
How To Set Text Decoration In Javascript

textDecoration mode property

Browser support:

Specifies or returns the appearance characteristics of text, whether it is underlined, overlined, lined-through or blinking text.



Y'all tin find the related objects in the Supported by objects section beneath.

This belongings is read/write.

Possible values:

The type of this property is cord.

Clarification of values:

Utilize default anchor ornamentation.
The text content of the element blinks.
Takes the value of this property from the computed style of the parent element.
The text content of the element is displayed with a line through the middle.
No text ornament is used.
The text content of the element is displayed with a line at the top.
The text content of the chemical element is underlined.

Default: none.

Example HTML code i:

This case illustrates the utilise of the text-decoration property:

                      <                      head                      >                                                                  <                      way                      >                                                                  .example                                              {                                            text-ornamentation                      :                                              overline line-through                      ;         }                                            </                      style                      >                                                                  </                      head                      >                                                                  <                      trunk                      >                                                                  <                      a                                                                  class                      =                      "case"                      >                      Text decoration: overline line-through                      </                      p                      >                                                                  </                      body                      >                    

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Example HTML code ii:

This example illustrates the use of the textDecoration property in JavaScript:

                      <                      caput                      >                                                                  <                      script                                                                  blazon                      =                      "text/javascript"                      >                                                                  function                                              ChangeTextDecoration (elem) {                                            var                                              anchor =                                            document                      .                      getElementById                                              (                      "myAnchor"                      );                                            var                                              checkboxes =                                            certificate                      .                      getElementsByName                                              (                      "checkboxs"                      );                                            var                                              decorValue =                                            ""                      ;                                            // Checks all checkbox state                                                                                        for                                              (                      var                                              i =                                            0                      ; i < checkboxes.                      length                      ; i++) {                                            if                                              (checkboxes[i].                      checked                      ) {                    decorValue += checkboxes[i].                      value                                              +                                            " "                      ;                 }             }                                            // If none is checked all other checked out                                                                                        var                                              noneCh =                                            document                      .                      getElementsByName                      (                      "nonecheck"                      );                                            if                                              (noneCh[                      0                      ].                      checked                      ) {                                            for                                              (                      var                                              i =                                            0                      ; i < checkboxes.                      length                      ; i++) {                     checkboxes[i].                      checked                                              =                                            false                      ;                 }                 decorValue =                                            "none"                      ;             }             anchor.                      fashion                      .                      textDecoration                                              = decorValue;         }                                            </                      script                      >                                                                  </                      head                      >                                                                  <                      body                      >                                                                  <                      a                                                                  id                      =                      "myAnchor"                      >                      Text ornament sample                      </                      a                      >                                                                  <                      br                                                                  /><                      br                                                                  />                                              Change text-decoration value:                                            <                      br                                                                  />                                                                  <                      input                                                                  type                      =                      "checkbox"                                                                  name                      =                      "checkboxs"                                                                  value                      =                      "blink"                                                                  onclick                      =                      "ChangeTextDecoration ();"                      />                      blink                      <                      br                                                                  />                                                                  <                      input                                                                  type                      =                      "checkbox"                                                                  proper name                      =                      "checkboxs"                                                                  value                      =                      "line-through"                                                                  onclick                      =                      "ChangeTextDecoration ();"                      />                      line-through                      <                      br                                                                  />                                                                  <                      input                                                                  type                      =                      "checkbox"                                                                  name                      =                      "checkboxs"                                                                  value                      =                      "overline"                                                                  onclick                      =                      "ChangeTextDecoration ();"                      />                      overline                      <                      br                                                                  />                                                                  <                      input                                                                  type                      =                      "checkbox"                                                                  proper name                      =                      "checkboxs"                                                                  value                      =                      "underline"                                                                  onclick                      =                      "ChangeTextDecoration ();"                      />                      underline                      <                      br                                                                  />                                                                  <                      input                                                                  type                      =                      "checkbox"                                                                  name                      =                      "nonecheck"                                                                  onclick                      =                      "ChangeTextDecoration ();"                                                                  />                      none                                            </                      trunk                      >                    

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